Post A Job


  1. Use the form below to log in to your account (or use the sign up form if you don’t have an account).
  2. Fill out all required fields.
  3. Download the Work In Cherokee Icon to display on the job postings on your company’s jobs site.
  4. With the icon, include the following: Jobs new to Cherokee County may be eligible for a $1,500 hiring bonus. Get more information here.
There is no cost to you to post a job or to participate in the Hiring Bonus program. Any eligible employee you hire applies directly to and is paid directly by COED. We are happy to provide another tool to our employers to keep improving and growing your business and Cherokee County.
Supercharge recruitment with a $1,500 bonus
On March 1, we’ll launch a marketing effort driving qualified applicants to our job board. When you hire a prospect for full-time employment referred from COED’s “Find a Job” page, they’ll receive a $1,500 hiring bonus after 120 days on the job. Priority will be given to Cherokee residents and the hire MUST be new to the Cherokee County workforce (workforce re-entry, new graduate, new resident, or person leaving a job outside Cherokee County). Minimum hourly wage of $17.25 is required to be eligible. See program details.
To be an employer partner:
  • Post job openings at NO COST on this site.
  • Display a on each posting on your jobs site with the message: “Jobs new to Cherokee County may be eligible for a $1,500 hiring bonus. See program details.
  • Be part of our Cherokee workforce study. We’ve engaged Boyette Strategic Advisors to gather workforce data, and you will be asked to participate. Once data is collected, we’ll share the findings.
Employer partners receive:
  • Incentivized prospects driven to your job openings.
  • Results of our Workforce Study and Wage Benefit Analysis providing valuable competitive pay and benefits information regionally and nationally.
  • Skills Gap Analysis providing data and best practices to assess your workforce’s ability to meet objectives.
  • Ability to shape the Cherokee Workforce Development Strategy.
  • A targeted marketing effort to jobseekers based on the jobs posted on our site.
Workforce Collaborative
The Cherokee Workforce Collaborative is a united, community-based partnership created by the Cherokee Office of Economic Development (COED) to strengthen Cherokee’s pipeline of skilled workers. This collaborative was developed in direct response to the needs identified in the Opportunity Cherokee Economic Development Strategy, which served as the blueprint for the Cherokee Workforce Collaborative Implementation Plan.